CategoriesLifestyle Tips & Tricks

How to Improve your Horsemanship?

Do you want to be a fantastic rider?

 Are you working on it?

You want to improve your Horsemanship skills?

Then you are in the right place. In this blog let us explain to you about a few things that you need to take care of to improve your horsemanship and emerge as an outstanding rider.

Horses, Mare, Horse, Mane, Nature

Here are some of the main points that you need to understand.

1. Having a Positive Attitude towards the Horse

2. Maintaining a Journal

3. Referring important books related to equines

4. Maintaining Fitness

5. Consistency

6. Don’t be rude towards your Horse

7. Go with the flow

Let us explain to you one by one.

1. Having a Positive Attitude towards the Horse:

The best way to build a healthy relationship with the equine is being positive. Your positive attitude makes your pet more comfortable. Your equine expects you to be happy around them. Try to maintain peace between the pet and master so that the bonding will be stronger.

2. Maintaining a Journal:

We understand that being a rider and maintaining a journal is a task in spite of the heavy workouts and exercises. 

But it is better to just sit down and note all the to-do lists, goals and equine endeavors. This makes your life easier as sometimes you may fail to recollect any of the jobs.

Reading at least a few pages in a day can help you gain some knowledge about the horse and how you can implement it in your pet.

Some of the recommendations:

  • The Motivational Manifesto
  • Centered Riding 2
  • Fitness In Motion
  • Fitness In Motion
  • The New Total Rider

4. Maintaining Fitness:

Fitness is absolutely important for a rider. There are a lot of videos on youtube which helps you to improve your flexibility. Certain exercises help you to achieve core strength, hips and lower back flexibility etc.

5. Consistency:

Being consistent is very important when you are training a horse. Always make sure that you don’t teach any wrong lessons and confuse your horse later. Be particular about what you want to teach and how you want him to be. 

Being careless about the lessons might make your horse clueless and confused. Therefore be consistent about the teachings and never let him feel confused.

6. Don’t be rude towards your Horse:

Whenever your horse makes a mistake or misses any cue, do not scare him or smack him which may result in him being nervous. 

And demanding for a lot of repetition may make the horses bored or something they start performing their own things.

Therefore be mindful of your behavior with the horse and occasionally implement some rewards whenever he does his job.

7. Relax:

Just be relaxed and go with the flow. It is said that a relaxed rider makes a better horse. Enjoy your ride in the pageant. This will help to lower the stress. Have a smile on your face and be confident which gives a good impression to the judges.

Cavalry, Horse, Mammalia, Livestock


Dedication and hardwork is the key. Consider all the above mentioned points and you will definitely see the difference. 

We hope you find this article useful. Happy Reading!!

CategoriesLifestyle Tips & Tricks

How to Decorate your Barn for Christmas

Winter whistles the upcoming Christmas and other holidays in a row. It’s a season of abundant joy and festivity. One will always be on toe when it comes to Christmas, the same goes for decorating your barn for this festive season. 

The Christmas glitters out shown on your barn doors imbues celebration within, that would lifts up the mood significantly. 
Here are some simple tips for barn decoration, keeping in mind that you – barn – horse would remain safe.


A minimal decoration you can give your barn is by hanging a wreath or three on the door. Safest wreaths are the edible ones, just like wreath made of hay or carrot leaves. You can hang them around, anywhere on doors, without the fear of a horse eating them.
Another best way is to hang a massive wreath from the top of the barn, so the people walking around the barn will have a pleasant view. 

Christmas Tree

Other most essential asset of Christmas is the Christmas Tree, placing them in the aisle way will not obscure the grazing way of horses, so that you can put your mind in peace. Make sure the horses don’t go around, pine needles can be toxic when consumed in large quantity. 

Garland and Hanging Tinsel

Leveling up your barn decoration can be done by adding tinsels and garland, and hanging the strings of greenery around your barn; it will be safe as long as it’s out of reach of the horse. 
Avoid using holly and mistletoe, as it is toxic to horses. 


Horses always prefer a tranquil environment, putting a blower driven inflatable snow globe or a dancing lit up Santa inflatable in front of your barn will only cause more bad than good. However, think of a better way to lit up your barn in a luminous blow, 
It’s best to avoid stringing light near hay sheds, and inside the barn itself. But the lighting set front or outside the barn is safe, given that the timer should be set. Let the power cord be at the height of un-reachable and regularly check if heat or sparks comes from those cords. 

Yard Decoration

Mimicking the scene of Grazing Reindeer, statue of Blow-up Snowmen, Santa on moving trains are the typical joy of celebrating Christmas, it need not be for entertaining the horse, but for you.
A best way to decorate the entrance, where the horses might not notice. 

All these decoration tips are for you and your horses. Let the horse see the festive vibes from their place itself else it might go out of control. 

List of unsafe of decorations around barn:

Here are some decoration practice that are un-suggestive for barns,

  • Inedible wreaths hanging in reachable distance from horses
  • Electrical objects, that can bring in potential threats of spark and power outage
  • Objects hanging from the ceils, that can catch horse attention much easily
  • Ornaments that make noises

Other than this, always follow safety precautions. Safety comes first!!
Not only during the festive seasons, you can always use color lanterns to blow up your mind in celebratory vibe each and every day. 

Hope you enjoyed the reading!!

Wishing you a Happy Christmas???????? Happy Holidays????????

CategoriesLifestyle Lizards Care and Habitat Pet caring and Habitat Reptile Bedding Tips & Tricks Uncategorized

Why Should Reptiles Kept Away From Children?

Reptiles are excellent pets, but a precautious measure has to be taken for the safety concerns of kids.

Good habits are best acquired at an early age, as is usually the case. Teach your children to treat animals with respect from the start. They will receive years of enjoyment from their reptile pals after they comprehend basic reptile etiquette.

Reptiles are delicate creatures that can easily become frightened if not handled appropriately. Kids, in particular, might inadvertently rough-handle and irritate a reptile pet, thus additional caution should be exercised anytime children handle these kind of animals.

Basically, you should keep deadly reptiles away from kids and keep them locked up. Teach correct handling techniques. Respect for reptiles must be taught to children. Even while part of this behaviour may be appropriate among cats and dogs, they cannot shake, tug, or crush the animal. In self-defense, reptiles may lash out. Choose the appropriate reptile. Humans, especially youngsters, are not fond of handling lizards. On the other hand, certain snake species are more tolerant to youngsters. Geckos are among the most kid-friendly creatures. Chameleons and frogs, in particular, are unsuitable for handling. Claws should be trimmed. Although reptiles are less susceptible to having their claws clipped than cats or dogs, it is possible to keep your youngster from being scratched if you do so. Claws of iguanas, in particular, should be cut on a regular basis.

Health Risks To Your Child

Salmonella and botulism are two diseases and illnesses that reptiles may transfer on to your child. These are the most serious dangers.
Salmonella is a bacterial infection. Diarrhoea, vomiting, headaches, fever and stomach cramps are all symptoms of the sickness. It can also cause dehydration and blood infections. Salmonella is a threat to reptiles of all kinds. Handwashing helps to lessen the danger.

Botulism is a dangerous and potentially fatal illness. Clostridium is the germ that causes it. It causes death and paralysis. Clostridium is a common bacteria found in reptiles. Botulism is especially dangerous to babies and infants under the age of one. Botulism is caused by bacteria that are widespread in aquatic reptiles. Reptiles that dwell in water, such as turtles, are examples of aquatic responses.

Keeping Clean Around Reptiles Can Help To Reduce Health Risk

You should presume that at least one dangerous germ has infected your reptile. After coming into touch with reptiles, wash your hands and your child’s hands. After handling your reptile or anything it has touched, avoid touching your mouth. Wait till you’ve thoroughly washed your hands. Teach your youngster to follow in your footsteps. Reptiles should not be allowed in any place where food is produced or consumed. Wash the surfaces wherein the reptile has come in contact, with hot water. Your reptile should only be washed in its own basin. Never ever waste water and faeces should be flushed down the toilet or poured down the drain. When cleaning tanks, cages, and equipment, always use disposable gloves and wash your hands afterward. Clean any clothing that has come into touch with your reptile in a hot wash.

Reasons why kids should have pets

Pets Teach Empathy To Kids 

Young children are frequently self-centered. The good news is that knowing how to properly care for a pet can aid in the development of empathy in youngsters. Children will discover how their pets react to changes in their habitat and room environment as they care for them. Indeed, you might be amazed at how fast youngsters learn up on their new pet’s likes and dislikes. Having a pet allows youngsters to view things through the eyes of a pet, which is a precursor to seeing things through the eyes of people.

Pets Teach Responsibility To Children 

Taking care of an animal creates responsible instincts in your children. Even if your child is extremely small, he or she will be able to fill a dish with food or water. As your child becomes increasingly capable of caring for their pet, you may gradually give them greater responsibility.

Pets Build Confidence Into Children 

Caring for a pet may be your child’s first “job.” Your youngster will realise how capable they are with responsibility if they complete their task effectively. This will boost their confidence and, hopefully, provide them with additional opportunities to demonstrate their responsibilities.


Introducing children to a variety of animals at a young age and educating them about them helps to teach compassion and respect for every living creatures, as well as refute and address unreasonable concerns. Only animals with an anxious or violent disposition are not allowed. That would apply to all species, not only reptiles and invertebrates.

CategoriesHorse Bedding Lifestyle Pet caring and Habitat Tips & Tricks

Why Do Horses Make Great Companion?

A pet is a highly vital component of many people’s families, and having one in your life is extremely beneficial. Most people, on the other hand, automatically think of dogs or cats when they think of pets. Horses, on the other hand, are fantastic pets with which you may form great bonds. They are, among other things, incredibly nice, lively, and intelligent, and make excellent company.

The Benefits Of Keeping A Horse

Horses Are Beautiful Per Definition

Horses are the ideal pets because they are so breathtakingly gorgeous. Even though horses might be rather large, there is something lovely and delicate about their look. As a result, when you have a horse rushing around, you’ll probably be unable to comprehend exactly how powerful but beautiful they are; they truly are a sight to behold!

Horses Are Extremely Low-Maintenance Animals.

Horses are also extremely low-maintenance compared to other forms of pets. Of course, you’ll still have to look after your horse on a regular basis, but they’re quite self-sufficient creatures. So, in order to keep your horse happy, you won’t have to spend every minute of every day with them. As long as you provide your horse the love, respect, and care he or she deserves, they will revere the ground you walk on, which is why horses make such wonderful pets!

Horses Live For A Long Life

Thousands of individuals see horses as highly valuable friends in a society where the majority of people conceive of a companion pet as a cat or a dog. Companionship, therapy, leisure, and sport are just a few of the numerous advantages of owning a horse. Horse ownership may be extremely gratifying if the obligations of ownership are well considered.

Horses have a long lifetime, which is another advantage of having them as pets. Stabled horses typically live for more than 20 years, and even longer if well cared for.

Horses Are Quite Simple To Manage

Horses are quick to pick up new skills and rapidly understand how to be controlled. They will rapidly become sensitive to instruction with proper training and consistent care. A mare or pony, rather than a stallion, would be a better choice for a family pet because stallions are more strong-willed and better suited to breeding than as pets.

Horses Are Easy To Feed

Although most people believe that a huge animal such as a horse requires more care, they are actually quite easy to feed and keep healthy since they are not finicky. Grass is the greatest meal for any horse, although it can be supplemented with hay if grass is scarce.

Horses May Be A Lot Of Fun To Care For.

Brushing a horse’s coat on a regular basis will bring out its natural lustre. Rather than being a chore, this may frequently be converted into a pleasurable experience. Even the most difficult tasks, such as bathing or foot washing, may be made enjoyable. Whatever work has to be done, it’s all part of the fun of having and caring for a pet.

Horses Are A Lot Of Joy To Be Around

How many pets can carry you for miles on their backs, through routes and into places you’d never go? Horses are entertaining to be around, and owning one as a companion pet will provide hours of entertainment for children. Horses can be loving, making the “companion” aspect of your connection with your horse even more delightful.

While owning a horse comes with a lot of responsibility, it can also provide a lot of joy and happiness to individuals and families, while also bringing people closer to the joys of life via the ownership of a loyal companion pet.


Overall, there are several advantages to owning a horse as a pet. Even more, there are a thousand more reasons why horses are the ideal pets, and the ones listed above are simply the most important ones! The only thing you need to remember is that horses need to be treated with the highest respect, and if you remember that, they will be the best friends you could ever have!

CategoriesLifestyle Pet caring and Habitat Snake Bedding Snake Habitat Tips & Tricks

Housing For Your Pet Snake

Learning how to care for your first snake is a rewarding experience, and one that is required if you want to ensure your snake’s health and well-being. Before bringing a snake into your house, think about how big it will get and what size cage it would need for its environment.

Everything else will be a lot easier if you have the correct cage for your snake. The improper cage, on the other hand, might become a problem, allowing your pet to escape or making it unduly tough to govern his environment.

Cage Environment

Most snakes may be divided into three groups based on their cage size. Garter and grass snakes may be housed in a 10 gallon or 20 gallon aquarium with ease. In 30-55 gallon tanks, king snakes, rat snakes, milk snakes, gopher snakes, and other colubrids will thrive. It’s a different storey with boa constrictors and pythons. Adult boas and pythons often range in length from 18 inches to 32 feet. Some of them are above 500 pounds. Custom cages are required for these huge creatures. Consider making your own cage out of plywood or melamine if you are skilled in the industrial arts. Custom cages and kits are widely available if you don’t want to build your snake’s habitat.

Types Of Vivarium

Wooden Vivariums

Wooden vivariums are among the most affordable and dependable cages for snakes. They usually come in a variety of “standard” sizes, either flat-packed or pre-built. Buying a flat-pack version is frequently advantageous for anybody with some basic DIY abilities, since they are straightforward to assemble yet are often easier to move flat, as well as being cheaper.


  • Most specialist reptile stores have wooden vivariums on hand.
  • They’re sturdy, adaptable, and fairly priced, and they look great if you pick a style that matches the rest of your furniture.
  • Drilling holes for electrics like heaters and lighting is normally quite straightforward with wooden vivariums, and the wooden construction also means that they maintain their heat effectively.
  • If you reside in a colder climate, this is perfect since you will be able to keep your snake warmer with less heating.


  • Wooden vivariums are often heavy, making transportation difficult.
  • Ventilation in wooden vivariums might be a problem. Snakes enjoy fresh air and can become ill if they are deprived of it. Choose a wooden snake viv that has air holes if you want to keep your snake alive.
  • If left too wet, wooden vivariums can distort and decay. This implies that any water spilled within the cage should be soaked up as quickly as possible so that it does not seep into the wood and cause difficulties. Because most snakes prefer a drier environment, this is unlikely to be an issue for lizard owners.

Plastic Vivariums

While wooden vivariums are still the most prevalent type of snake housing, there are a growing number of plastic vivariums on the market. It should be emphasised that if you want to investigate this option, you should attempt to find one that is especially intended for snakes rather than any other type of pet. The ventilation openings will be kept tiny to prevent escape, and the overall proportions will be long and low, allowing your snake to roam around freely.


  • Plastic vivariums are lighter and stronger than wooden cages, making them much easier to move about. You won’t need a substantial stand, table, or cabinet to put them on either.
  • Because of their ease of cleaning, plastic vivariums are sanitary. The germs and parasites may be readily removed from the moulded plastic vivariums using a towel and reptile-safe cleaning spray. In contrast, parasites or germs can persist in the seams between the panels in hardwood vivariums.


  • Fitting electrics to a polyethylene tank is difficult. This is because, depending on the style you choose, you may need to either drill holes for electrical lines to poke through or remove plugs from your heaters and lights so that the cables may be carefully fed through the pre-drilled holes.
  • Plastic vivariums can be much more costly than wooden vivariums of comparable size. Before deciding whether the advantages of a plastic vivarium are worth the extra cost, compare costs carefully.

Glass Vivariums

Specially built glass vivariums for reptiles have become increasingly popular in recent years. These tanks are usually made entirely of glass, with two hinged doors at the front for easy access. These doors can save time and effort by removing the need to raise lids or move glass panels for normal maintenance and feeding. This can also mean that you can stack glass vivariums on top of one another in some designs, allowing for an extremely space-efficient method to keep your snakes.


  • The most elegant and professional-looking kind of housing is glass vivariums. They not only look good, but they also give outstanding visibility. An all-glass vivarium, unlike most wooden or plastic vivariums, has glass viewing windows on the front that offer vision from all sides.
  • This not only gives you a unique perspective of your pet, but it also allows you to keep an eye on it and do health checks without having to take it out.


  • Glass vivariums are heavy and can break if dropped or bumped while being transported. If you reside in a cold region, their all-glass structure might make it difficult to keep them warm in the winter; after all, heat can readily move through the glass surface.
  • Electrics can be a problem to install in glass vivariums for snakes; after all, one can barely drill a hole in the side to put an electric wire through.

Converted Glass Tanks

A converted glass aquarium is one last form of snake vivarium that is still encountered in the pet trade from time to time. Essentially, an unwanted fish tank may be used, and a reptile-safe lid can be purchased to cover the top and keep it secure. Although many individuals abandon the notion over time owing to impracticalities, this is typically a very cost-effective approach to keep snakes in captivity.


  • Converting a glass tank is a simple process. Even in locations where there are few reptile stores, the majority of individuals will be able to obtain an aquarium. Even better, purchasing a used cage may save you a lot of money and provide you with a perfect cage for a low cost.
  • A proper cover must be constructed. These may usually be ordered at a reasonable price on the internet.


  • Since converting a glass tank is so difficult, you’ll want to think about where you’ll put your vivarium. However, this is a minor flaw that is usually obscured by the two greater difficulties at hand.
  • Electrics might be tricky to install in all-glass aquariums like this one for snakes.
  • If you want to utilise an old aquarium as a reptile cage, you’ll have to be creative.
  • These vivariums from above are inconvenient to use. Because you’ll need to be able to remove the lid for any normal maintenance, this limits where you can put the cage.


The best snake vivarium is impossible to find. Each snake keeper has their own preferences, and it’s simply a question of weighing the possibilities available in your location and, using the information provided in this article, determining which solution is most suited to your needs.

CategoriesLifestyle Lizards Care and Habitat Pet caring and Habitat Pets Bedding Reptile Bedding Tips & Tricks

Housing For Pet Reptile

A suitable cage, as well as sources of light, heat, and water, are required for reptiles. Before bringing your pet home, make sure the habitat is entirely ready and safe. Lizards require housing that is both emotionally and physically comfortable. Emotional comfort refers to the animal’s sense of security. Physical comfort implies that the temperature and, to a lesser extent, humidity of your lizard’s cage remain in the same range as when it was born.

It’s much easier to provide such features if you know what kind of lizard you have. Lizards are divided into three groups: those that are large enough to be unaffected by little objects, and those that escape danger.

Lizards that are too huge to be maintained by a hobbyist, let alone legally protected, are too enormous to be kept by a hobbyist. Running lizards may make advantage of large-scale housing, which allows them to roam and establish territories. Most enthusiasts, however, are unable to provide room-sized enclosures for a trio of 10-inch-long lizards.

Different enclosures are appropriate for different sorts of settings, whether they are separate or used together:

Aquatic terrarium

Aquariums for aquatic reptiles are comparable to aquatic terrariums. A submersible heater, a filter for continuous, easy cleaning, a vented or wire screen on top with a lid or covering for easy ventilation and access; gravel spread on the bottom, a basking light that the reptile cannot reach. A basking area, such as a rock or floating surface; and a comfortable background are all important elements for an aquatic terrarium. Turtles, frogs, newts, water snakes, and salamanders thrive in this type of enclosure.

Semi-aquatic terrarium

Water and land regions are combined in semi-aquatic terrariums. You may use a piece of glass attached with sealed silicon to divide the two regions, or a detachable container for the water. For proper filtration, drainage, and utilisation, the land area should be built in layers. For these substrates, you can use tiny pebbles, moss, bark, or potting soil. A coating of charcoal at the bottom of the substrates can help keep them fresher. Driftwood, moss, pebbles, or plants can be used to provide interest and movement to the terrarium. Choose plants that are appropriate for your pet’s species and size. You may also need to establish a basking area and a thermal gradient in the terrarium, depending on the species. Salamanders, newts, frogs, certain lizards, and turtles thrive in semi-aquatic terrariums.

Woodland terrarium

Woodland terrariums are comparable to semi-aquatic terrariums, except they have a lot less water area. For the water element, just use a bowl. The same substrates can be used again and again. For arboreal creatures, include additional branches, while for terrestrial species, use more pebbles. A heating element and/or full spectrum lighting element may be required, depending on the species. Within this form of enclosure, a temperature gradient is usually required. Frogs, salamanders, snakes, and lizards such as geckos, anoles, and skinks live in forest habitats, as do a variety of other reptiles.

Desert terrarium

Desert terrariums are for reptiles that need to be in a dry, arid environment. Reptile bark, terrarium carpet, or sand can be used as substrates. Cactus or succulents, for example, require little water and are low-humidity plants. You’ll need to incorporate a temperature gradient within the enclosure, as well as a heating element and full spectrum illumination. Chuckwallas, desert iguanas, leopard geckos, and a variety of other lizards are housed in these cages.


A variety of climbing/clambering surfaces not only provides areas for your lizard to explore and hide, but also enhances the appearance of the cage. Because these things must be anchored in the substrate, a cage with just a paper towel or newspaper substrate can only include a water dish and a couple of hide boxes for decoration. Cages with a gravel or mulch bottom provide you a lot more creative freedom when it comes to decorating.

You should limit the cage furnishings for desert lizards to cholla cactus skeletons and rocks. Living plants, especially xeric-adapted ones, have a tendency to add moisture to an already confined habitat. Cactus that are still in their pots can be added by die-hards.

Pothos and dwarf sansevieria, as well as climbing limbs and vertical cork bark slabs, can be added to woodland/jungle species like geckos and iguanas. Branches may be added, but they must be at least 1.5 times the lizard’s diameter to be securely held, and they must be wedged into position so they don’t slip.


If you detect excrement or the tank smells musty, it’s time to clean it.

If the substrate is paper, simply peel it off and spray it with cage cleaning. A cleanser made of one-third alcohol, two-thirds water, and a drop or two of dishwashing detergent works well. Replace the paper substrate and wipe the cage dry with paper towels.

You may simply pick up the dried faeces with a paper towel if you use a gravel or mulch base. Every month or so, replace the substrate, spraying and cleaning the empty cage with the cage cleaner.


Lizards who are protective of their territory are known as caring lizards. You probably won’t be able to offer adequate room for each lizard’s own area now that you’ve pulled your lizard out of the wild. However, you may compensate for the spatial constraints – and provide a hiding spot for a species that hides to avoid danger – by erecting visual barriers.This may be done using genuine or imitation vining plants, small parts of limbs, bits of bark, or conceal boxes. Even if your lizard can’t get away from a possible adversary, whether it’s you or another lizard, the “enemy” won’t be visible. Hide boxes that have been manufactured commercially are easily accessible. The majority of them are variants on a black plastic box with a hole at the front. Ideally, you should offer numerous hide boxes, at least one for each animal, and put them at the cage’s cold and warm ends.


Your lizard need water on a regular basis. A small dish of water or a dish with a bubbler can be used passively to offer this. Bubbler bowls are for lizards who like to drink moving water rather than static water. You may also spray the enclosure’s plants and walls every day or every other day. For arboreal lizards that do not descend to ground level and desert lizards that sip dew drops, misting is utilised. One of the rock or corkbark pieces in the cage, as well as one or two of the tank’s walls, should be misted. Though the lizard rushes up to the misted area and lapping one location after another as if it’s thirsty, mist again after the droplets have vanished. You want your lizard to desire to drink, but not to get dehydrated.

A drip bottle, a water-filled container with a tiny hole in the bottom that rests on top of the cage, is used by some enthusiasts.

Water droplets seep out of the orifice and splash down. Most cages can fit into a clean yoghurt cup. A plant, a water dish, a wood, or a rock can all be placed in the container. Every day, wash and rinse the container well.


To serve as the tank’s flooring, you’ll need to offer a substrate. Substrates come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Paper towels or newspaper, on the one hand, are a simple and inexpensive option. Paper towels are a better choice for little lizards. These lizards are too light to rumple the absorbent towels, which may be readily replaced when they become wet or filthy.

For tiny to bigger lizards, newspapers could work. Although newspaper is absorbent to some extent and tends to lie flat, your lizard will have no walking or running traction due to its slippery surface. Gravel works nicely and can be cleaned easily by putting it in a bucket and hose-washing it.

Mulch that isn’t fragrant is a suitable choice for a substrate. It’s relatively absorbent, has a burrowing surface for tiny lizards to feel secure, has decent traction, and offers the cage a natural appearance. Substrates created from crushed walnut/pecan shells or compressed coconut fibre are similar to mulch but more costly. We recommend EcoBed Reptile Bedding. This is an 100% eco-friendly exotic bedding type provided for your pet reptile’s comfort, made out of refined coconut husk chips.

Here, newspaper is used as a compacted/pelleted product that delivers all of the benefits of mulch and other loose substrates. However, one word of caution: lightweight pelted or granular substrates can be readily consumed with meals. If you’re going to utilise these substrates, place a large flat rock or a small tray on top of them to act as a feeding platform.

Cage carpets, for example, are one-piece substrates that look attractive, give grip, and are often easy to clean. Food that has spilled is readily cleaned up. On the negative side, the carpets are less absorbent than mulch or other loose substrates, and waste is visible.


It will take time, effort, and money to create the ideal home for your reptile, but it will be well worth it when you see your reptile thrive.

CategoriesCoco Coir Bedding Coir Products How To Recycle Coco Coir Tips & Tricks

How To Recycle Coco Coir

Gardeners are increasingly using coco coir in its many forms as a soil amendment or as a growth medium on its own. It is an environmentally friendly substrate, which is one of its main selling features as an alternative to sphagnum peat.

It’s not simply that the fibres are resistant to deterioration and can persist for years. Coconuts are grown only once a year. Coco coir is self-sustaining, unlike peatlands, which take decades to create.

It’s not surprising, however, that an increasing number of gardeners want to learn more about how to utilise coco coir successfully.

Recycling The Coco Coir

One of the most beneficial aspects of utilizing coco coir is the ability to recycle old coir particles.

The first and most important step is to remove the coir medium from the growing area for drying. Spread the coir out to dry; it will most likely take weeks to totally dehydrate.

Any leftover plant materials from the previous crop should be removed. Larger roots and stems should be removed, leaving smaller roots behind that can be treated (with enzyme solution) to create a healthy supplement for future root systems.

Wash the coco with distilled water to remove any dead roots or leftover salts that may obstruct future nutrient absorption, as well as to maintain optimum EC and pH.

To remove the coco from the wash basin, use a perforated strainer or screen with an 18-inch mesh. It is preferable to wash outside, in the garden or backyard, to remove any impurities.

Setting the coco coir to be reusable entails re-buffering and enzyme treatment, as well as renewing the growth potential.

Cation exchange sites abound on the surface of Coco coir. Buffering is the process of exposing cation exchange sites to extremely concentrated calcium and magnesium solutions.

The coir material will be buffered before being used for the first time. Buffering should be done once more for re-use purposes.

Simply place the fabric pot of coco in a bucket and pour enough buffering solution to thoroughly immerse the cation exchange sites with Cal/Mag. Allow it to sit for 8 hours, covered.

Then, remove the cloth bag from the bucket and drain the buffering solution.

A specific enzyme mix is employed to break down leftover root material from the previous crop. Sensizym, for example, reconditions coco coir to provide a healthy foundation for fresh crops.

Enzymes convert the leftover roots into Carbohydrates that are sugar, which are then used by helpful bacteria in the rhizosphere for energy.

Then they make new enzymes to keep the cycle going and break down dead organic materials.

Coco that has been buffered and enzyme-treated is now ready to be reused.

The used coco coir comes in useful as a combination for grow media or as direct grow medium due to its deep aeration and improved water retention.

Coco is an excellent soil supplement for outdoor flower beds, gardens, and other areas where the soil is compacted.


Growing coco is not just a healthy option however recycling the coco is yet another method to make an environmentally conscientious decision for a better world.

CategoriesLifestyle Rubber Mats Tips & Tricks

What Can I Do With Old Rubber Mats?

Rubber is commonly used in rubber flooring mats. Because it gives comfort under your feet, does not grow mildew, and has a slip-resistant surface, it is one of the greatest solutions for flooring.

Rubber flooring is created from rubber that has been recycled. Many types of recycled rubber flooring are created from recycled tyres, decreasing landfill waste. Because recycled rubber flooring is more durable than natural rubber flooring, it is the perfect alternative for gyms, schools, stalls, and industries. It may last up to 20 years before needing to be replaced, making it a wise flooring investment.

Rubber flooring is simple to recycle. To discover if your local recycling facility accepts the material, simply contact them. If they don’t, inquire as to who does in the neighbourhood. Finding a centre that will accept old commercial rubber flooring shouldn’t be difficult. Rubber flooring may be recycled in the following ways:

Natural rubber flooring: Latex, which is found in para rubber trees, is used to make natural rubber flooring. This may not be the greatest solution for your gym, school, or company because many individuals are sensitive to latex.

Synthetic rubber flooring: As synthetic rubber flooring is constructed of petroleum rather than latex, it is a superior installation alternative. Synthetic rubber flooring has a longer lifespan than other types of flooring and may be readily recycled when no longer in use.

Uses Of Old Rubber Mats

Recycled rubber is being used in an increasing number of goods. Sadly, most towns still do not pick up rubber goods that are left on the curb. The good news is that most recycling sites will take rubber from individuals who drop it off in person. Although recycling regulations vary by city and state, big rubber floor mats are often permitted. To learn more about your local recycling facility’s unique methods, contact them. Larger objects or materials may be accepted only at particular times and locations. Rubber matting is commonly seen on the floors of animal enclosures in animal shelters, barns, and stables.

They’re usually installed to keep floors clean or to keep animals safe. New floor mats may be rather costly, and most animal shelters are unable to afford them. See whether a local shelter or barn may benefit from your floor mats.

What Can You Do With Your Old Floor Mats? Use them to collect leaking fluids beneath your car in the garage, as door mats to store shoes on, or to prevent dirt and debris from being tracked into your home. Keep a handful in your trunk in case something spills or you need some extra tyre traction.

Recycled rubber sheets available in a variety of shapes and sizes, including rolls, tiles, and mats that may be used both indoors and outdoors. Recycled rubber sheets should not be utilised in applications that require the use of oils or chemicals. Exposure to such substances can greatly harm and destroy reclaimed rubber. Despite this disadvantage, recycled rubber products outperform synthetic rubber in terms of cost and environmental impact. They are more cost-effective alternatives to synthetic rubber products due to their recycled origin. Synthetic elastomers are more expensive to manufacture since they are designed for specific chemical applications. In comparison, the manufacture of recycled rubber rolls is significantly less expensive. As a consequence, these savings are passed on to customers, who benefit from low-cost recycled rubber goods. They are also environmentally friendly because their manufacture removes non-biodegradable trash from the environment. Consumers may save money while lowering their negative environmental effect by using recycled rubber sheets.

How To Recycle Your Rubber Mat?

There are several methods for appropriately reusing tyres. These techniques essentially require separating what is rubber from what is not rubber; the separation process, for the most part, varies from method to method. Some of these procedures are mechanical, while others are chemical, but they all aim to separate the rubber from recycled tyre rubber so that it may be used in TDPs and other uses.

To begin, a significant number of rubber mats are gathered. These mats are shredded into strips, which are subsequently processed into various sizes and consistency in granulators. A less-common stage is freezing the rubber mats with liquid nitrogen to a temperature of -60 degrees Celsius, then crushing and milling the frozen material in a similar manner. These procedures are pretty basic and easy, and they do not require complex stages, making them the favoured method of rubber recycling. In certain circumstances, the recycled tyre rubber does not need to go through any of these procedures since old tyres may simply be renovated and used as barriers, garden beds, and, in some exceptional cases, complete homes!

Pyrolysis is the alternative process, which involves heating materials in an oxygen-free atmosphere. Under pressure and at temperatures exceeding 430 degrees Celsius, the process takes place. The chemical degradation of organic (carbon-based) compounds is called pyrolysis. Unfortunately, pyrolysis research is still ongoing and has yet to be recognised as economically feasible. Nonetheless, the technique decomposes recycled tyre rubber into oils, gases, and char, yielding some intriguing effects. The resulting oil, known as bio-oil, is being studied as a possible substitute for petroleum-based fuels. It may be used as a boiler fuel or refined to sustainable transportation fuels. Biochar may be used as soil additives on farms to improve the soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients, as well as avoid water pollution and erosion. Perhaps most astounding, bi-char can aid in the mitigation of global climate change through carbon storage. Syngas can also be turned into chemical compounds that can be used as fuel. All of these breakthroughs in the world of recycled rubber goods are incredible!

How Do You Dispose Of Rubber Mats?

Rubber flooring is simple to recycle. To discover if your local recycling facility accepts the material, simply contact them. If they don’t, inquire as to who does in the neighbourhood. Finding a centre that will accept old commercial rubber flooring shouldn’t be difficult.


The majority of floor mats are constructed of rubber and are durable and long-lasting. These rubber mats are 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly. After being processed, old rubber mats will be recycled, and they may be used in a variety of ways.

CategoriesCat Littter Bedding Lifestyle Tips & Tricks

How To Care For Your Cat?

When you’re a new cat or kitten owner, you’re likely to have a lot of questions about how to care for your new companion. Cats are many things, as you may already know or will soon discover lively, independent, affectionate, curious, smart, and frequently entertaining. Cats are low-maintenance pets that are simple to care for. Cats are one of the most popular pets, and they are an excellent addition to any home! Cats can be self-sufficient and are considered the ideal companion for individuals who lead busy lives, but they still require care. This guide explains some of the fundamentals of cat care.


The cat’s emotional condition and intentions are expressed through a nuanced range of facial expressions, vocal sounds, tail and body postures. These signals are used to widen, narrow, or preserve social distance. Rubbing the side of the head, lips, chin, or tail on the owner and against furniture is a characteristic social behaviour. Scent glands in several areas of the cat’s body appear to have a part in developing a recognisable odour in the cat’s environment.

Every cat is different, but strange grooming or concealing habits, as well as changes in feeding or toileting habits, are grounds for concern. Sleeping in a slumped position and spraying inside are also bad ideas. Aggressive or unsociable behaviour might also indicate a cat that is unhappy or sick.


Your pet should have her own clean, dry sleeping and resting area in your home. A nice, warm blanket or towel can be used to line your cat’s bed. Make sure to wash your bedding on a regular basis. Please confine your cat to the house. Cats who live outside do not live as long as cats who live indoors. Cars, as well as battles with other cats, raccoons, and free-roaming canines, pose a threat to outdoor cats. Cats are known to be eaten by coyotes. Fleas and ticks are more likely to infest outdoor cats, and they are also more prone to get infectious illnesses. You must offer your cat comfortable bedding.

We recommend EcoBed Cat Litter Bedding, which is natural, biodegradable cat litter made of naturally driven coconut peat.


Although most cats are clean and rarely require a wash, you should brush or comb your cat on a regular basis. Brushing your cat’s coat on a regular basis keeps it clean, decreases shedding, and reduces the likelihood of hairballs. Avoid getting soap or water near your cat’s eyes or ears by using a mild shampoo made for cats. Shampoos with flea treatments should be avoided unless your veterinarian advises otherwise, since many cats have experienced negative responses to particular flea treatment shampoos. After bathing, thoroughly dry him with a towel and lay him somewhere warm until he is completely dry. After the coat has dried completely, give him a good brushing to make him fluffy and gorgeous.


Place one hand beneath the front legs and the other behind the hindquarters to lift up your cat. Lift with care. Picking up a cat by the scruff of the neck or the front legs is never a good idea.

Diet and Feeding

A well-balanced cat diet should include the majority of cats will thrive on advanced, natural, or essential cat meals. Food should be matched to a person’s age and degree of activity. Treats should not account for more than 10% of overall food consumption. Water is replaced daily and is fresh, filtered, and chlorine-free.

When feeding your cat, keep in mind that you feed 2 to 3 little meals each day; cats love to eat often throughout the day, and this is the optimum feeding technique provided the food can be kept fresh and the cat will not overeat. Keep an eye out for indications of boredom in your cat, since bored cats can eat excessively if food is continually accessible. Giving your cat wet food is a wonderful approach to ensure that they receive enough water. Using a pet fountain to offer your cat with fresh, clean, circulating water may encourage them to drink more, which will help them keep hydrated.


A variety of immunizations are required for your kitten, including:

8 weeks – Feline rhinotracheitis, Feline calicivirus, Feline panleukopenia (first series)

9-11 weeks – Feline rhinotracheitis, Feline calicivirus, Feline panleukopenia (second series)

12 weeks and up – The conclusion of the series

Feline rhinotracheitis, feline calicivirus, and feline panleukopenia are all diseases that affect cats.

Rabies is a disease that affects humans (required at 16 weeks and then annually)

Consult your veterinarian to determine the best immunisation regimen for your cat.

Common Health Issues

Diarrhea is a condition characterised by loose stools caused by a poor diet, stress, filthy living conditions, or another sickness. Determine the reason and therapy with the help of a veterinarian.

Coughing, choking, or vomiting are all symptoms of hairballs. Hairball prevention should be used on a regular basis. If the problem persists or you’re losing weight, see a veterinarian.

External parasites such as mites, fleas, and ticks cause itching, hair loss, and sickness. Use products made specifically for cats. Make an appointment with a veterinarian.


Cats are the most popular and gentle pets. You should expect to spend time with your cat, both playing with it and grooming it, as well as being a companion to them. You may do your best to ensure that your cat is happy and healthy by taking this route.

CategoriesDogs As Pet Lifestyle Pets Bedding Tips & Tricks

How to care for your dog?

Dogs, like baseball and apple pies, are ingrained in the American psyche. However, before a successful adoption, every choice to add a dog friend to the family must be well explored. A dog can be a great addition to any family, but whether you’re a seasoned pet parent or a first-time adopter, it’s critical to prioritise your dog’s health and happiness. Here are some helpful hints for all dog owners.


Dogs are extremely sociable creatures. Puppy socialisation should begin at a young age. Some dogs require mental as well as physical stimulation. Other breeds have mostly been produced as companions. These dogs won’t be stars in the obedience ring, but they’ll be content to spend time with their families. The majority of breeds lie somewhere in the middle between these two extremes.

Dogs have an extraordinarily developed sense of smell, which is significantly superior to that of humans. Dogs can perceive noises up to four times quieter than humans at certain frequencies. Ultrasound, which is sound with a frequency higher than the maximum limit of human hearing, is also audible to dogs. In low-light situations, they can see better than humans. Whines, whimpers, growls, barks, and howls are among the noises made by dogs, which are sometimes combined in complicated ways. Many dogs can communicate with other dogs by using their body, face, tail, ears, and limbs. Dogs like being with other dogs, but they also build deep social relationships with people, becoming extremely devoted to certain individuals. To indicate that they want to play, dogs employ certain signs. When a dog invites others to play, it crouches on its forelimbs, stands on its hind limbs, and waggles or barks.


Dogs appreciate being in the presence of their human relatives. Spend as much time as possible teaching and playing with your dog. Select a dog that is appropriate for your living situation. Apartment living is not suitable for large, energetic dogs. Provide your dog with an indoor kennel and properly train him to utilise it. If a dog must be kept outside, it must have a suitably sized fenced yard, weather-appropriate shelter, food, and water. Tie-outs should only be utilised for short periods of time, and a tethered dog should never be left alone.


Maintain the cleanliness of your dog’s coat. Because unclean coats can cause secondary skin illnesses, be prepared to bathe your dog with a gentle dog shampoo if it gets too dirty. Most dogs don’t require bathing more than once a month, however this varies greatly depending on breed and activity level. It’s important to remember that your dog’s coat will grow and will need to be trimmed by a dog groomer. If the fur gets too long between the toes, it might annoy the dog or hinder it from seeing well. Furthermore, the dog is prone to rake debris, such as twigs and grass, into its coat, causing pain.

Feeding and Diet 

Advanced, natural, or essential dog food are all good options for a well-balanced dog diet. Food should be matched to a person’s size and life stage. Treats should not account for more than 10% of the entire diet. It’s not a good idea to eat table scraps. Water that is clean, fresh, and chlorine-free is replaced on a regular basis. When feeding your dog, keep in mind that  Puppies should be fed 3 to 5 times per day, while older dogs should be fed 1 to 2 times each day.

As a general rule, stick to the manufacturer’s recommendations and talk to your veterinarian about your pet’s specific needs. Large, deep-chested dogs should be fed. 2 to 3 smaller meals a day can help to prevent Gastric Dilitation and Volvulus Syndrome, often known as bloat, a severe condition in which food becomes stuck in the stomach.

Common Health Issues

Diarrhea is a condition characterised by loose stools caused by a poor diet, stress, filthy living conditions, or another sickness. Determine the reason and therapy with the help of a veterinarian.

External parasites such as mites, fleas, and ticks cause itching, hair loss, and sickness. Use products made specifically for dogs. Make an appointment with a veterinarian.

Vaccination For Your Dog

A variety of immunizations are required for your puppy, including:

8-week period

The first instalment of the series (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus)

9 to 11 weeks

The second instalment of the series (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus)

12 week period

The final instalment of the series (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus)

Rabies is a disease that affects humans (required at 16 weeks and then annually)

Distemper is a disease that affects people (annually)


Carry a puppy or small dog by placing one hand under the dog’s chest and the hind legs and rump with your forearm or other hand. Lifting or grabbing your puppy or tiny dog by the forelegs, tail, or back of the neck is never a good idea. If you must raise a huge dog, do it from the underside, using one arm to hold his chest and the other to support his rear end.


Having a dog is a lot of fun and really rewarding. Dogs, on the other hand, have complicated demands, and each dog is different. There isn’t a single “ideal” approach to care for all pets. Prior to purchasing a dog, learn more about the breed by speaking with other cat owners, trustworthy breeders, and rescue groups.