CategoriesLifestyle Tips & Tricks

How to Decorate your Barn for Christmas

Winter whistles the upcoming Christmas and other holidays in a row. It’s a season of abundant joy and festivity. One will always be on toe when it comes to Christmas, the same goes for decorating your barn for this festive season. 

The Christmas glitters out shown on your barn doors imbues celebration within, that would lifts up the mood significantly. 
Here are some simple tips for barn decoration, keeping in mind that you – barn – horse would remain safe.


A minimal decoration you can give your barn is by hanging a wreath or three on the door. Safest wreaths are the edible ones, just like wreath made of hay or carrot leaves. You can hang them around, anywhere on doors, without the fear of a horse eating them.
Another best way is to hang a massive wreath from the top of the barn, so the people walking around the barn will have a pleasant view. 

Christmas Tree

Other most essential asset of Christmas is the Christmas Tree, placing them in the aisle way will not obscure the grazing way of horses, so that you can put your mind in peace. Make sure the horses don’t go around, pine needles can be toxic when consumed in large quantity. 

Garland and Hanging Tinsel

Leveling up your barn decoration can be done by adding tinsels and garland, and hanging the strings of greenery around your barn; it will be safe as long as it’s out of reach of the horse. 
Avoid using holly and mistletoe, as it is toxic to horses. 


Horses always prefer a tranquil environment, putting a blower driven inflatable snow globe or a dancing lit up Santa inflatable in front of your barn will only cause more bad than good. However, think of a better way to lit up your barn in a luminous blow, 
It’s best to avoid stringing light near hay sheds, and inside the barn itself. But the lighting set front or outside the barn is safe, given that the timer should be set. Let the power cord be at the height of un-reachable and regularly check if heat or sparks comes from those cords. 

Yard Decoration

Mimicking the scene of Grazing Reindeer, statue of Blow-up Snowmen, Santa on moving trains are the typical joy of celebrating Christmas, it need not be for entertaining the horse, but for you.
A best way to decorate the entrance, where the horses might not notice. 

All these decoration tips are for you and your horses. Let the horse see the festive vibes from their place itself else it might go out of control. 

List of unsafe of decorations around barn:

Here are some decoration practice that are un-suggestive for barns,

  • Inedible wreaths hanging in reachable distance from horses
  • Electrical objects, that can bring in potential threats of spark and power outage
  • Objects hanging from the ceils, that can catch horse attention much easily
  • Ornaments that make noises

Other than this, always follow safety precautions. Safety comes first!!
Not only during the festive seasons, you can always use color lanterns to blow up your mind in celebratory vibe each and every day. 

Hope you enjoyed the reading!!

Wishing you a Happy Christmas???????? Happy Holidays????????