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A Guide on Pet Snake Caring – Rosy Boa

rosy boa caring

Rosy Boa are docile beings that make an excellent pet among snakes. They are nocturnal creatures, mainly feeding on mices and small mammals. It belongs to the same boa family that are native to south-western America, northwestern Mexico. Boidae are snake species for pet lovers , non-venomous, heavy-bodied and are frequently kept in captivity.   

These non-poisonous snakes are able to defend themselves by releasing a foul-smelling musk from the base of the tail while threatening. Rosy boas are found in different locations that cause the color and pattern of the species to differ. Typically, rosy boas have three stripes of color that run laterally down the tail which entitled them as ‘three-lined boas’.

So the living expectations of boas are surely at another level. Their dwellings must meet the ends of boas’ requirements and if you’re planning on raising a rosy boa , you need to be mindful of these factors before you make any moves. 

The first and the foremost need is boa habitat in bedding/ substrate, the material used to line the bottom of the boa enclosures. The best bedding needs to be clean, natural and free of mites and harmful chemicals. 

The bedding type needs to keep the enclosure humid, aerated, and warm. It has to form a 2” layer in order to maintain optimal heat and humidity for the boas borrowing under them.

Young rosy boas are approximately 10 inches in length. Adults can reach 4 feet in length, but this is rare. They generally reach a length of about 36 inches. The record age for a rosy boa is more than 60 years.  This requires excellent husbandry and sanitation.  And as a caring boa owner, it’s likely they’ll receive this care, so plan on a long life for your new pet snake if you provide proper care.

Rosy boas are primarily diurnal by habit.  But if the weather is hot, they will burrow during the day and emerge at night. In a climate-controlled setting, it can expect that to see them regularly during the day.  And at this time during the day, they can be handled.

What good bedding for Rosy Boa needs to include?

Temperature Requirements

Provide your boa with a basking spot temperature of 85 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit and an ambient temperature of 78 to 80 degrees. Nowhere in the habitat should the ambient temperature be less than 67 degrees. It’s important to take readings at the surface of the bottom of the warm side, the cooler side, and any basking areas. A basking lamp can be provided, but it must be carefully placed so that it can never exceed 90 degrees F at the closest possible point to the snake. Most experienced keepers recommend an under-tank heating mat, especially for night time usage.


Humidity can be a problem for Rosy Boas, so make sure to keep the humidity low. Provide a small water dish, and clean it up right away if it’s spilled. You can even remove the water bowl and only make it available one day a week. Spot clean the enclosure for urates and feces once a week, and every 3 months, remove all substrate and clean and disinfect the tank and décor.

Nutrition and Diet

Rosy boas are voracious feeders and will eagerly eat one appropriately sized meal every 5 to 7 days. Very large adults may be offered food slightly less often. The diet should consist of pinky or fuzzy mice for young snakes, and then gradually larger food items as the snake matures. A properly sized meal should leave a slight, but noticeable, bulge in the snake’s mid-section. 

Substrate Nature

Rosy boas are one of a small handful of common pet herps that can be safely kept on sand. While washed play sand will work, coloured sands designed specifically for reptiles may be a better choice. They are 100% clean, and because they are of a finer grain, will clump easily when soiled, and are less likely to be abrasive to a reptile’s skin.

However rosy boas are a highly adaptable species, and will thrive on a variety of other commonly available substrates. Sani-Chips (heat-treated aspen chips) is a personal favourite, while repti-bark and paper pulp products will work as well. Provide a layer of bedding deep enough for your snake to burrow and completely hide itself.

These snakes are secretive by nature, and require a variety of secure, dark hiding spots within their enclosure. Curved slabs of cork bark, half logs, and driftwood all make acceptable additions to a rosy boa terrarium.


Rosy boas are quite placid and innocuous snakes, and reluctant to bite under most circumstances. Handle your rosy boa gently and deliberately, but do not drop or injure the animal. Most rosy boas will become more accustomed to handling and will settle down considerably and become quite docile and personable pets to keep.

Cleaning and Habitat Sanitation

Cleaning the habitat is fairly easy and should be done lightly once a week, and thoroughly once a month. Attending sanitation weekly is something you will thank yourself for, because snake feces can become rank is a musty way that is distinctively snake and definitely unpleasant.

Daily: Spot remove any feces that you see.

Weekly: Remove and dispose of the top 1 inch of bedding and replace with fresh.

Bi-weekly: Place dishwasher safe furniture in the dishwasher every two weeks.

Bedding Common options for Rosy Boa Snake bedding include:


The best snake bedding or substrate to use with this snake is aspen snake bedding. This type of bedding does not hold moisture, making it ideal for snakes that do not need humid environments. It is also a good substrate for burrowing.

Most beginners’ tanks will have a glass bottom. Some advanced models may have a false bottom with some sort of screening to allow feces and urine to sift down. Sort of a fancy cat box type of setup. If you begin with a solid, glass bottom, you line the bottom with paper towels.  Then, you’ll need to place a fluffy, absorbent material on top of the paper towels. 

Enclosure Type

Aspen shavings

Aspen shavings make a good substrate. Use these shavings with smaller snakes and those that don’t need high humidity. The shavings get moldy from too much moisture, and particles can get under a large snake’s scales on its belly, which causes irritation. Aspen shaving is an ideal paper Bedding Rosy Boa. It is soft and comfortable Pet Bedding. It is super absorbent. It is chemical free, 100% safe and natural paper bedding.


·   Affordable

·   Excellent absorbing and clean-up

·   Snakes like to burrow in this


·   May need to be changed more often

·   Some customers report finding other materials in with the aspen

Cypress shavings

Cypress mulch is a comfortable substrate for snakes. They can dig around in the mulch and it retains humidity nicely. It’s attractive and has a pleasant but not overwhelming smell. This mulch is cheap and readily available at garden shops. You do have to remove all the mulch to thoroughly clean the cage.


·   Retain moisture

·   It doesn’t mold.


·   Costly

·   Mites thrive in cypress mulch.

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