CategoriesPets Bedding

Importance of Quality Bedding for your Pets

If you want your pets to be healthy and happy, then make sure to provide them with their needs in the best way possible. Bedding is one of the most important factors responsible for your pet’s health.

Let us know more about the importance of bedding.

Importance of Animal Bedding

Animal bedding is used for a comfy and enjoyable footing and also for a good sleep. A quality sleep would better the quality of life of an individual and so as for pets. Hence investing in a quality bedding will enhance the pet’s overall quality of living.

How frequently are you supposed to change the Bedding? 

The bedding has to be changed whenever there is an unpleasant smell and if it turns out messy. Leaving the pets in the messy bedding would lead to certain health problems, so make sure you change it regularly and keep it clean.

Factors to be Considered before Investing in a Quality Bedding:

Beddings are different for different pets. You should also keep in mind the number of pets that will be using the bed.

Maintenance: Make sure that the storage and cleaning of the bed is uncomplicated and simple.

Expenditure: Invest in the best bedding suitable for your pets under your budget.

Comfortableness: Bedding has to be comfortable for your pets and they should be able to relax in the best way possible.

Type: As different animals prefer different types of bedding, make sure that you provide bedding which is suitable for your pets.

Advantages of Quality Bedding:

Quality sleep
Your pet needs a good sleep in order to be playful throughout the day.


The warmth that bed provides ensures that the pets are protected.


The bedding should be comfortable and suitable for your pets


The pets need some relaxation after any activity. The bedding should be able to let the pets relax.

Comfy footing

The pets should be able to move around easily on the bedding that you provide.

Good health

When the bedding provides all the requirements, automatically the health of the pets will be improved.

Cures body pain

The pets will be tired and may have some joint pains from the activities throughout the day. A proper bedding will heal the pain.

Happy pet

The pet will be happy with a sound sleep, good health, and comfortable bedding.

Final Thought:

Quality bedding is as important as quality food. Hence invest in a good bedding for your pets.

We hope you find this helpful. Do check out our other blogs.



Vaccines are important health programmes which keeps your pets healthy and helps them lead a long happy life.

If you own a cat and want to know about the vaccination program, then you are in the right space.

Core Vaccination:

Core vaccines are the vaccines that all the cats have to receive to be protected against deadly diseases.

Core vaccinations include:


Feline panleukopenia (also known as feline distemper)

Feline calicivirus

Feline viral rhinotracheitis

Rabies Vaccine:

Rabies is a viral infection which directly attacks the neurological system. This is a deadly disease because this not only affects the animal, but also can be transmitted to humans.

Rabies vaccines are given annually to some cats and in some cases it is given once in 3 years.

The feline panleukopenia, feline calicivirus, feline viral rhinotracheitis vaccinations are given in a combination shot (FVRCP), also called the “distemper shot.”

Feline Panleukopenia:

Feline panleukopenia is an infectious disease in kittens, caused by a virus. Symptoms include low appetite, vomiting, fever, diarrhea etc. The virus mainly spreads through feces. In case of this disease, the WBC’s are killed by the virus which may result in secondary infections.

Feline Calicivirus:

It is a viral disease which mainly attacks the upper respiratory tract and results in nasal discharge, mouth ulcers, sneezing, and ocular discharge. 

Virus is mainly transmitted through direct contact or via objects. This also results in inflammation of gums.

Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis:

This is also known as Feline herpesvirus which results in upper respiratory tract infection causing symptoms like pneumonia, conjunctivitis, nasal congestion.

Once the first infection is recovered, the virus will be present in the body in an inactivated state, and gets reactivated during the time of stress and shows the infection again.

Non- Core Vaccination:

Non-core vaccines are given to cats in specific risk conditions or benefits. 

Feline Leukemia: FeLV

This viral infection spreads through saliva, urine, feces and also milk. This cannot be cured and hence has to be prevented using vaccination.


This vaccine is given to kittens which stay with other animals. This prevents your kitten from falling sick.

6-8 weeksFVRCPFeLV
10-12 weeksFVRCPFeLV
14-16 weeksFVRCP, RabiesFeLV
Annual and 3 yearRabies, FVRCPFeLV, Bordetella


We hope you find this useful. Happy reading.


Vaccination Program for Your Horse

The main objective of vaccination is to build a strong immunity against infectious diseases which cause illness or death.

When it comes to equines, vaccination plays a major role as horses are more prone to infections. Hence hygiene procedures and vaccinations should be done routinely. 

Core Vaccinations

Given to prevent them from fatal diseases.


These bacterias are omnipresent and manage to enter into the wounds and generate powerful neurotoxin  leading to muscle spasms which can be fatal. Symptoms include high fever, head and neck muscle spasm, difficulty in chewing etc.

A weakened toxin is given in the form of a vaccine to enhance the immune power. Boosters have to be injected in case of any wound.


Rabies virus attacks directly the nervous system. However it is not found frequently in horses, but there will be cases every year. The symptoms include difficulty in eating and drinking, incoordination etc.

It is highly infectious and vaccination is compulsory. Broodmares are vaccinated 5 to 6 weeks prior foaling and these foals should be vaccinated again at 6th and 12th month of their age. Adult horses should be vaccinated annually.

Eastern equine encephalitis/Western equine encephalitis:

They are caused by viruses which are transmitted through mosquitoes. Eastern equine encephalitis are primarily found in eastern USA and southern America whereas Western equine encephalitis in western USA.They are known to mainly attack the nervous system of the horse which results in deadly disease. Vaccination for both of the viruses are given in combination with a single shot.

It is advised to inject the boosters during the spring season. By this, horses will build a strong immunity by the time of summer where there will be a high mosquito population.

West Nile virus:

West Nile Virus Disease is found to be zoonotic disease. The viruses are mainly managed by birds, and then the transmission occurs through mosquitoes to the humans and horses. Vaccination procedures are the same as that of encephalitis.


Streptococcus equi bacteria causes strangles in horses. It mainly causes inflammation of lymph glands beneath the throat which gradually turns into ulceration or cyst. It has to be diagnosed early when there will be a warning sign of cough, fever and edema in the jaw area. The killed injectables and modified live intranasal vaccines are also available.

Non core Vaccinations

Potomac Horse fever: 

It is caused by a bacteria called Neorickettsia risticii. It is advised to provide vaccination for the horses which live near the areas like ponds, river streams etc. Annual boosters have to be given.


It is primarily seen in Mid- Atlantic areas in the USA. Broodmares as well as adult horses should be given with the vaccine in the beginning at 30 days intervals followed by annual vaccination.


Do not miss any of the vaccinations of your pet horse in order to keep them happy and healthy.

We hope you find this helpful and do check out our recent blog Vaccination for Dogs.